jueves, 19 de enero de 2017


We are going to talk about a common problem which is cyberbullying, that affect only in young people.

Cyberbullying is the use of informatic resources (phones, computers etc) to create psychological harassment between people of the same age. It´s not usual the sexual abuse.

Is it cyberbullying or not?

How can we differenciate cyberbullying from others types?

One of the main characteristics to be cyberbullying is that there must be under-ages in both sides. If there are adults, although it's also through the social media, it's another type of cyberbullying, like sexting.
The meetings out of the social media like sexual abuses, are not cataloged as cyberbullying as it's proper name says cyber, which means through internet.

Why is cyberbullying a severe problem?

The anonimous person behind the screen is the most powerful source of damage.
In the net you can be a child with 48 years, or even a women when you are really a man.

By Ανώνυμος Βικιπαιδιστής
user:Inknow [CC BY-SA 3.0],
via Wikimedia Commons

7 Facts to avoid cyberbullying

By User:Gabbys0102
[CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons 

1. Behave with education in the net, using the Netiquette.
2. Do not give out your personal information like your address.
3. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
4. If they harass you, you must guard the proofs.
5. Do not think that you are completely sure, you don´t know the person behind the screen.
6. If there are serious threats you should asks for help urgently.
7. Search your name on the internet with regulariy in order to protect you.